The Easy Brain




In The Easy Brain the author makes, with competence and professionalism, a description of the anatomy, physiology and pathologies of the brain, with particular attention to consciousness, the highest expression of the human mind. The human brain is a device that without exaggeration we can define as perfect. It is the product of millions of years of evolution and today, thanks to scientific progress, we are able to study it in depth, revealing its most hidden characteristics. In addition to describing the structure of the brain, this essay also gives proper space to various aspects related to it such as emotions, learning and memory, language, dream activity and various brain pathologies.

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Autore:Giancarlo Frigato

In The Easy Brain the author makes, with competence and professionalism, a description of the anatomy, physiology and pathologies of the brain, with particular attention to consciousness, the highest expression of the human mind. The human brain is a device that without exaggeration we can define as perfect. It is the product of millions of years of evolution and today, thanks to scientific progress, we are able to study it in depth, revealing its most hidden characteristics. In addition to describing the structure of the brain, this essay also gives proper space to various aspects related to it such as emotions, learning and memory, language, dream activity and various brain pathologies.

Giancarlo Frigato worked for thirty-five years as a medical drug informant. Since his degree thesis in Biological Sciences he has been dealing with learning and memory in the animal world from a theoretical point of view. Then he focused in particular on the mechanisms of attention in animals and humans. This led him to meet and collaborate since 1992 with professor Carlo Arrigo Umiltà of the faculty of General Psychology at the University of Padua who is an expert on attention and consciousness. Over the last thirty years, Frigato has been particularly interested in conscience, publishing numerous articles in different international journals.